American Zone President of FIDE, World Chess Federation (2000-2002); Board Member, Policy Board, United States Chess Federation (USCF) (1996-1999)
Author, “Freedom: Your Path to Recovery” (2023); Author, “Chess Openings For Dummies” (2010); Author, “The Chess Player’s Bible: Illustrated Strategies for Staying Ahead of the Game,” Barron’s Educational Series (2004); Author, “Chess For Dummies,” IDG Books (1996); Author, “Remember the MacCutcheon!,” Chess Enterprises (1991); Editor, Publisher, CalChess Journal; Editor, Publisher, Golden Gate Chess News
Honoree, Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award (2022); Award for Best Chess Website, Chess Journalists of America (2022); Outstanding Career Achievement Award, United States Chess Federation (USCF) (2018); Chess Educator of the Year, The University of Texas at Dallas (2016); Honorable Mentions (Two Times), Best Interviews, Chess Journalists of America; Honoree, FIDE Master, World Chess Federation; Inductee, High School Hall of Fame
President, Chess Journalists of America (1995-1996); President, CalChess, Northern California Chess Federation (1994-1995); Past President, The Kolty Chess for Youth Foundation; Former Chairman, Chess Advisory Board, The University of Texas at Dallas; Participations, Ananda Marga; Delegate, United States Chess Federation (USCF)
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